Fast delivery
We strive to answer your quest ans and requests as quickly as possible
Dermakor has a large stock of Iha most popular aesthatic products in our warehouse.
We deliver orders throughout the United States. Dslivery times of the order depends on the availability of ths goods in the warehouse. If at the time of ordering all the selected products are in stock, then we will deliver the order within 1-2 weeks, depending on the distance of your region. If the ordered product is out of stock, then the moximum delivery time for the order can be 8 weeks. But we try to deliver orders to customers as quickly as possible ond 90% of customer orders are delivered within the first 2 weeks.

In the event that the Client wishes to send by a transport company another from the like used by the Seller, he must contact the manager of the online store.
Import tax
According to your local tax legislation, your order may be suoject to an import tax fee.
For this matter, please contact your local customs office to inform about any potential Import tax fees your order might be eligible for. Please be advised that DERMAKOR do not take any rssponsibility for import tax fees or seized goods, all custom clearance and Import tax payments are paid by tho Customer.
Import Rules
Please carefully read the import rules of your country for cosmetics and medical devices. DERMAKOR do not take responsibilty on local import legislation of the Customer.